Free shipping to your nearest Mainfreight Depot on all orders over $2000
Digital files will be available on completion of an order (no payment required for this item).
If you would prefer a hard copy to be posted to you - please let us know and we will post one out to you.
Catalogues available for download/postage are listed below
Full Australian Catalogues
All the products we know and love here in Australia.
Candle Making Catalogue
We try to keep as a large range in stock - but can order in any moulds that are out of stock
Soap Making Catalogue
We try to keep as a large range in stock - but can order in any supplies that are out of stock
Colour Line - Beekeeping Gear
The entire NEW range of beekeping protective wear.
Full Global Catalogue
Not all products are suitable for Australian conditions - if you think there is a solution that could solve your beekeeping problem in this catalogue - ask us about price, availability, delivery and our advice. We're here to help!